CANCELLED - 27th Magpie Madness 19-21 Nov 2021

Bloody Covid takes another one - CANCELLED
where? Free · Rise Rd, Winchester 7986, New Zealand
The 2021 Magpie Madness Rally, is the 27th anniversary of the Magpie Madness, which is held at the Winchester Domain , situated 25 km’s north of Timaru on State Highway 1.
The site offers plenty of space for camping, an on-site bar with more than reasonable prices, “flush” toilets, live bands and all the normal trimmings, –
Dates for 2021 are the 19, 20th & 21st of November. See you all there for what will be another fantastic Rally!!
Again this year, we WILL be offering Prepaid Entry - Look for flyers soon.
The new entrance off Rise Road will once again be utilised. We no longer have riders entering off SH1. They now enter off RISE ROAD on the NorthWest side of the grounds. This is much safer for motorcyclists entering the grounds. There is still plenty of car parking available at that entrance.
more info here